Amos Yong is Dean of the School of Theology and the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. His graduate education includes degrees in theology, history, and religious studies from Western Evangelical Seminary (now Portland Seminary), Portland State University in Oregon, and Boston University in Massachusetts. He has an undergraduate degree from Bethany University of the Assemblies of God. He has authored or edited approximately four dozen volumes. He and his wife, Alma, have three children and three grandchildren. Amos and Alma reside in Pasadena, California.

Is There a Future for Evangelical Theology?
API Retrospects and Prospects
By Amos Yong

About five years ago, I published “The Future of Evangelical Theology: Soundings from the Asian American Diaspora” (IVP Academic, 2014). I was motivated in that book by the observation that the so-called center of gravity for Christianity had shifted from the Euro-American West to the global South (Asia, Africa, and Latin America).