Milisuryani Lee Santoso lives in sunny Southern California, an hour from downtown Los Angeles and 20 minutes north of Disneyland. She is 17 years old and active in evangelistic missions to Mexico. She loves binge-watching classic Disney and Studio Ghibli films, reading, and working on her bucket list of traveling all over the world! In both her studies and extracurricular activities, she always tries to learn from her mistakes, keep growing, and give back to the community through serving in church and volunteerism.

Embracing Immigrant Narratives
By Milisuryani Lee Santoso

I am a first generation American. Throughout my lifetime, immigration has been treated as an issue by the media and general public, but it is much more personal to me. My parents are immigrants from Southeast Asia. My father was born the second of 11 siblings in Indonesia, when the country was still recuperating from World War II. My father’s family was relatively poor, but surviving.