Grace Ding lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She may design buildings by day and doodle cartoons by night, but her love of story lies at the heart of both things. Her art blog is

Me, Myself, and My Pencils
By Adaobi Ugoagu with Grace Ding

GRACE SAT AT HER DESK with a clean sheet of paper, the blank sheet beckoning her to begin the process of creating. Placed to the right of the paper were five colored pencils — all the materials she would use for this session.

Hidden Spiritual Gifts
by Crystal Wong

SPIRITUAL GIFTS were not for people like me. I had always defined gifts in terms of one’s abilities and talents. But I was not good at things like encouragement, faith, or service. It seemed that only the most faithful Christians or those specially called by God were granted such qualities. Since neither situation applied to me, I believed spiritual gifts were out of my reach.

Responding to Power
by Timothy Tseng

NEARLY 10 YEARS AGO, I was denied tenure. Despite receiving the highest recommendation by the tenure review committee, my application was rejected by our seminary president.