Issue #26 | Jul 01, 2014

The Children of God

WE LIKE TO CALL ourselves the children of God. It's a name that reminds us of how dearly loved we are by God. That we are all sons and daughters and have a great heavenly inheritance.
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Cover photography by Wonho Frank Lee, cover composition by Kathy Sungkaluxsa
What is Peace
Examining what it means to be peacemakers in our secular society
by Matt Bui with James Choung

LOOK AROUND and it’s not hard to find — everywhere you step, everywhere you go, everywhere you glance.

Martin Luther King Jr.: Portrait of a Peacemaker
An interview with HAK JOON LEE by JOHN RILEY

WHEN IT COMES to the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we have a tendency to think we know the full extent of what he did and stood for.

Responding to Power
by Timothy Tseng

NEARLY 10 YEARS AGO, I was denied tenure. Despite receiving the highest recommendation by the tenure review committee, my application was rejected by our seminary president.

There's No Such Thing as Passive-Aggressive Peace
An interview with Helen Lee and Kathy Khang by Grace Wong

FOR MONTHS it sat in Christian bookstores with its black cover, nonsensical red Chinese lettering, and Asian-style decals.

Peace Making: The Art of Listening
Transcending peace through music in the inner city community

PEACE IS A STRANGE WORD. It denotes a number of realities: a sense of place, an affirmation of identity, and a pivotal shift of reality.

In the Midst of Conflict

THE PEOPLE CAREFULLY chose their seats around the meeting table. They huddled together with their “us” as distinct from those who were “them”.

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