Issue #51 | Jan 01, 2017


HAVING JUST LOST all of his wealth, daughters, and sons, Job falls to the ground and cries out, "The Lord has given; the Lord has taken; bless the Lord's name."
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Cover Art by Frank Cho & Sonia Oback from THE TOTALLY AWESOME HULK vol. 1: Cho Time
Expressing Love in the Aisles of Target
by TJ Moon with Heidi Kwon

I'M FLIPPING THROUGH my phone in Target, and glance over at my son. He doesn't want to leave and has been lying facedown and noncompliant on the floor for about five minutes.

Healing the Scars That Remain
by Arwen U*

MY DAD WASN'T ALWAYS that abusive. Until I was 9, he was relatively nice to us.

Can I Be Angry at God?
A Sexual Abuse Survivor's Story
by Madeline Wu

OUTWARDLY, MY LIFE seems very put together. I was born into an upper middle class family; my parents are married; I have a loving husband and a beautiful son; I graduated from the University of California in Los Angeles; and I work as an oncology nurse.

An Explicit Crying Out to God
by Tuhina Verma Rasche

“FUCK THIS SHIT, oh Lord. This is my tired advent prayer. Fuck this shit indeed. Amen."

Move On, Don't Engage
by mark redito

IN MANILA, PHILIPPINES, race wasn't something I thought about much. I didn't grapple with issues of culture and racial identity because everyone around me was Brown.

My Haka
By Michael Fraser

BENT KNEES. Straight back. Flexed body. Ringing voice. My friend slapped his arms against his thighs and raised his arms above his head, performing a haka.

From Closed Fists to Open Hands
by Jenny Wong with John Riley

I USED TO BEAT UP people for other people. I'm not exactly built like a fighter, but people knew I would fight for any reason.

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